Minecraft Legacy Server List
Servers of Minecraft past, before PachiPatch.com Existed.
These servers were hosted by or in collaboration with PachiPatch Members.
PachiWorld, Bedrock Server
(PachiPatch World 1)
Former Address: mc.nighthawk.club
Version: Bedrock 1.14
Discord: PachiPatch, Hosted by Jongle
History: (July 2019 – March 2020)
This was our fist “always online” server. Everything was run on default settings and just ran off of the same PC JOngle played on.

PachiPatch Presents Direwolf20
(PachiPatch World 2)
Former Address: mc.PachiPatch.com
Version: Java 1.12 (Modded)
Modpack: Direwolf20 1.12
This Modpack is a modified version of Direwolf20 1.12.
Direwolf20 1.12 is a Feed The Beast and CurseForge modpack created by the FTB Team and designed by Direwolf20.
Discord: PachiPatch, Hosted by Jongle
History: (January 2020 – October 2020)
Our First modded server in collaboration with Delta Squad.

More Servers Associated with PachiPatch
Max's Minecraft
Former Address: max.pachipatch.com
Version: Java 1.16.3 Vanilla (Spigot)
Discord: Max’s Minecraft Discord Server, Hosted by rebel sympathizer#0001
This Server is mostly Vanilla 1.16 with some non-obtrusive Spigot Plugins. Linked channel in PachiPatch (removed)
History: (November 2020 – Early 2021)

Hermitpack - Modded
Former Address: hermit.pachipatch.com:11032
Version: Java 1.10.2 (Modded)
Modpack: Hermitpack (Multi MC)
HermitPack is a Feed The Beast and CurseForge modpack created by the FTB Team in collaboration with HermitCraft. It is a general “kitchen-sink” modpack, designed for the HermitCraft YouTube group.
Discord: PachiPatch, Hosted by AncientWillis#0822
History: This Server was short-lived as it was a test modded server that existed after PachiPatch World 3 Started.